Editorial Team

Editorial Team

 Editor in Chief  
Eko Budiyanto (Orcid, Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher, PhD Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro, Indonesia
Expertise: tribology, surface engineering, heat treatment, materials, manufacture
Haslinda Kusumaningsih (Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher, PhD Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Expertise: energy conversion, multiphase flow, renewable energy, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics
Arianto Leman Soemowidagdo (Orcid, Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher, PhD Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Expertise: casting, composite, electroplating, materials, metallurgical engineering
Tito Shantika (Orcid, Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher, PhD Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung, Indonesia
Expertise: surface energy, droplet interface, energy conversion, renewable energy, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics
 Section Editors  
Arief Rizki Fadhillah (Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher
Department of Automotive Engineering, Universitas Widyagama Malang, Indonesia
Expertise: materials, manufacture, composite
Purbo Suwandono (Scopus, Sinta, Google Scholar)
lecturer, researcher
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Widyagama Malang, Indonesia
Expertise: heat transfer, manufacturing, mechanic fluid, mathematic