Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Keripik Pisang Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Yosodadi Kecamatan Metro Timur

  • Ari Taliq Ramadhan universitas muhammadiyah metro
  • Ardiansyah Japlani Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
Keywords: Development Strategy, Quantitative,IFE,EFE


Ari Taliq Ramadhan. 2022. Analysis of Banana Chips Business Development Strategy in Improving Community Welfare in Yosodadi Village.Essay. Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Metro. Supervisor (1) Ardiansyah Japlani, SE, MBA. (2) Fitriani, SE, MM 

Keywords : Development Strategy, Quantitative,IFE,EFE


With the Covid-19 pandemic, the sales of chips have decreased  shows data on sales of banana chips in the village of Yosodadi in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2018,  2019 experienced an increase and in 2020 it decreased With a decrease  selling banana chips has an impact on the welfare of the community 

This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive research method because it aims to  to describe the state of phenomena in the field. (sugiyono:35) research method  Quantitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to  researching on certain populations and samples, collecting data using instruments  research, date analysis is quantitative/statistical, with the aim of testing the hypothesis that  has been established 

The current business condition of bud chips is based on internal and external factors that  The internal environment of the Tunas Chips company has strength in the capital that has been  fulfilled Based on the IFE and EFE matrices, the company is in a position in quadrant I  with the strategy that can be chosen is Grow and Built where the suitable strategy is  Market Development strategy, Product Development strategy and Market Penetration Strategy  Preferably, companies develop product marketing that can reach  in various areas not only within the Metro City but throughout the city in  Lampung Province It is better for entrepreneurs to make production cost efficiency in order to  reduce the cost of producing banana chips

