Author Guidelines

General Information

Edubiolock accepts biological research: the study of literature, ideas, application of theory, critical analysis study, and studies to the Islamization of science education in the field of Biology. Manuscripts  which have not been published and are not currently in the process of scientific publication elsewhere.

Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.

All manuscripts must be submitted to Edubiolock Editorial Office using Online Submission at E-Journal portal, where author register as Author by online. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email: and

Two types of manuscripts are acceptable for publication: Original Research Articles and Review Articles.

Reviewing of manuscripts

Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors .

Revision of manuscripts

Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the Online Submission Interface. The revised manuscripts returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

The manuscript texts are written in English (see Edubiolock Template). Manuscripts in English will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.

The manuscript well-typed in single column on A4 size paper, use 12 pt of times new roman. The manuscript contains an original work and have potentially contribute to the highly scientific advancement.

The manuscript should contain the following section in order:

a. Title

 The title should describe the main content of article, be informative, concise, be accurate, unambiguous, specific, not too wordy  (20 words only), does not contain formulas, and infrequently-used abbreviations. This is your opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should and complete.

The title describes the conducted research,  Times New Roman Font size 14, bold, centered, single line spacing, 0 pt after spacing.

b.   The author  name

Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters. Manuscript written by groups  needs to supplemented  by  complete contact details. 

c.   Name of affiliation for each author

The author name should be accompanied by complete affiliation address, email, and corresponding email.

d.   Abstract

These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing papers for IC UMM 2016. Use the same font and size given in this template for each section. Abstracts should be written in one column format and not exceed 250 words. [Times New Roman 10, justified]

 Keywords: should be written with lowercase letters except abbreviations, each separated by a comma, can be used as clues in searching, and consist of 10 words in maximum. [Times New Roman 10, justified]

e.   Introduction

Articles written for Edubiolock are published research results and studies or studies in the field of Biological Education. The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word with Times New Roman font, size 12 pts, with a space of At least / 1, select on A4 A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) with a maximum of 8 pages. Use 25 mm top and left margins, 25 mm bottom and right margins, and 15 mm for headers and footers. Please do not enter page numbers, headers and footers in the script.
Up to a maximum of 15 pages, and provided in 2 hard copies as a soft copy. Files can be sent as an attachment to the E-mail address:
The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree, placed under the article title. The author's name must be accompanied by a correspondence address and e-mail to provide communication. In the case of the manuscript written by the team, the editor is only related to the main author or the writer who was called in the first place.
Articles written in Indonesian or English in the essay format are published in the title of each part of the article, except for the introduction which is presented without a title. The title of the article is printed in capital letters in italics (italics) in the middle, with letters totaling 16 points. The rankings of section titles are determined by different types of letters (all section titles and sub-sections are folded in bold or bold), and do not use numbers in the section headings. [Times New Roman 12, justified]

f. Method
1. Systematics of research articles are: title, author's name, extract (maximum 200), keywords, introduction (no title, background, and reading room), main subject (accessible for various sections), Conclusions, and bibliography (only references that are referred to).
2. Systematics of the results of the study / study are: title, author's name, abstract (maximum 200 words, containing the objectives, methods, and research results), keywords, introduction (without title, containing background, width of library, and purpose research), methods, results, discussions, conclusions, suggestions, bibliography (only lists references referred to).
3. Reference sources wherever possible are libraries published in the last 10 years. Preferred references are primary sources that contain research reports (including thesis, dissertation, dissertation) or research articles in scientific journals and / or magazines.
4. Referral and quotation using the citation technique (name, year). The source of inclusion at the time of direct quotation is asked about the page number where the citation came from. Example (Muhfahroyin, 2010: 60)
5. The list of references is arranged in the following manner and is arranged alphabetically and chronologically.
[Times New Roman 12, justified]

g. Results 
Use of pictures and tables This template has set the style and format for paper, so you can choose by selecting a style in the style box as it improves sample images and tables in Figure 1 and Table 1.

h. Discussion 
Reconciliation and citation uses caged referral techniques (name, year). Inclusion of sources in direct quotations should be accompanied by information about the page number where the citation came from. Example (Muhfahroyin, 2010: 60)
[Times New Roman 12, justified]

i. Conclusion 
[Times New Roman 12, justified]

j. Suggestion 
[Times New Roman 12, justified]

k. References 

Muhfahroyin. 2010. Telaah Biologi SMA: Pengembangan Materi Pokok Biologi Konstruktivistik Berbasis SI dan SKL.  Malang: Tunas Mandiri Publishing. (jika sumber dari Buku)

Jonassen, D.H. (Ed.). 2004. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (Second Edition). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher. (jika sumber dari  Buku Kumpulan Artikel)

Russel, T. 1998. An Alternative Conception: Representing Representation. Dalam P.J. Black and A. Lucas (Eds.), Childrenn’s Informal Ideas in Science (hlm.62-84). London: Routledge. (jika sumber dari Artikel dalam buku kumpulan artikel)

Muhfahroyin. 2009. Memberdayakan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa melalui Pembelajaran Konstruktivistik. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, XVI (1): 88-93. (jika sumber dari Artikel dalam jurnal atau majalah)

Achyani. 28 April, 2009. Kembalikan UN pada yang Berhak. Lampung Post, hlm. 16. (jika sumber dari Artikel dalam Koran)

Lampung Post. 20 Nopember 2009. Standar Kelulusan UN Naik 0,25, hlm 15. (jika sumber dari Tulisan/berita dalam koran (tanpa nama pengarang)

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 2003. Jakarta: Depdiknas. (jika sumber dari Dokumen Resmi)

Slavin, R.E. 2006. Psikologi Pendidikan Teori dan Praktik. Terjemahan oleh Marianto Samosir. 2008.  Jakarta: P.T. Indeks. (jika sumber dari Buku terjemahan)

Santoso, H. 2007. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri dan Strategi Kooperatif terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif, Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, dan Kemampuan Kerjasama Siswa SMA Berkemampuan Atas dan Bawah di Kota Metro Lampung. Disertasi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: PPS Universitas Negeri Malang. (jika sumber dari Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, Laporan Penelitian)

Muhfahroyin. 2009. The Effect of ICT Based Learning Guided by STAD and Academic Ability on Biology Cognitive Learning Outcomes Students’ of  SMA Kota Metro. Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Internasional Tantangan Pendidikan IPA di Era Digital, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 17 Oktober.  (jika sumber dari Makalah Seminar, lokakarya, penataran)

Johnson, R. and Johnson, D. 1997. Cooperative Learning and Conflict Resolution, (Online), (  methods. html, diakses 6 Nopember 2007. (jika sumber dari Internet (karya individual):

Kreiser, B. dan Hairston, R. 2007. Dance ot the Chromosomes: A Kinetik Learning Approach to Mitosis and Meiosis. Bioscene, Journal of College Biology Teaching. (Online), Volume 33, No. 1, (, diakses 20 September 2009. Internet (jika sumber dari artikel dalam jurnal online):

Wilson, D. 20 November 1995. Summary of Citing Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online), (, diakses 22 Nopember 1995. (jika sumber dari Internet (bahan diskusi):