This study aims to describe the errors made by students in solving mathematical problems on the Pythagorean theorem material. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with 27 students selected. The data collection technique used a description test and interview. The steps taken in analyzing the data are by collecting data, reducing data, and analyzing data to get a conclusion. The data processing technique was carried out by calculating the results of all students' incorrect answers. After that, reducing the data obtained the results of errors made by students. Common errors that many students make are errors in understanding the concept of the Pythagorean theorem, errors in understanding the language of the problem, and errors in principle. From the results of the analysis of student answers, all errors have been made by students, errors tend to occur in understanding concepts and errors in understanding the language of the questions. Based on the result of interviews, enforcement of restrictions on face-to-face teaching and learning activities by reducing teaching hours which tends to limit the provision of learning materials to students which has an impact on students' ability to understand material concepts and understanding language problems.
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