• Winarto Winarto Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
  • Dwi Rahmawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
  • Ira Vahlia Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
Keywords: android, contextual teaching and learning, development, gamification


This development research aims to determine the development process of CTL-based gamification teaching materials assisted by android for seventh grade students on the subject of Statistics in MTs. MA'ARIF 1 Punggur which is valid and practical for use in learning. The type of research used is research development or Research and Development (R&D). The model used by researchers is the 4-D model developed by Thiagarajan (1974). The results of the development process of the Android-assisted CTL-based gamification module in this study consisted of 4 stages, namely (1) Define, the results of this analysis are that the textbook lacks in illustrating images and the book is only available in the school library Then the concept analysis results obtained in the form of a statistical material concept map. After that, a task analysis was carried out, namely in the form of KI and KD related to statistics material and finally, the analysis of the learning objectives of the results obtained in the form of graduation achievement indicators in the statistics material. (2) Design, the design uses Powerpoint software, I-Spring Suite 8 software is used to convert (.pptx) to (.html5) and Website 2 APK Bulder software is used to convert (.html5) into applications (.apk). (3) development, based on the results of the validation of the three experts, namely material experts, design, and language gamification modules based on Android-assisted Contextual Teaching and Learning that have been developed, obtain an average percentage of validity of 77.72% which indicates the interpretation is valid and the practicality test results are obtained. Practicality percentage of 82.17% which shows the interpretation very practical.  Then it can be identified that the Android-assisted Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based gamification module is declared valid and practically used in learning. (4) desseminate limited product distribution, namely in class VIIB Mts. Ma'arif 1 Punggur.


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