This study aims to determine the role of ice breaking in maintaining students' concentration in learning mathematics in class IV of SDN Sendangmulyo 02. This study used descriptive analysis using a qualitative approach. Data analysis refers to data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions which are presented interactively. Based on the results of observations made at SDN Sendang Mulyo 02 during PPL 1 PPG 2022 it appears that students still lack concentration in learning, especially learning mathematics. Thus it is necessary to have several ways to maintain the concentration of students so that they remain focused in learning. One alternative that can be used is through ice breaking to keep children's concentration to stay focused during the learning process. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the results of observations before doing ice breaking and after doing ice breaking showed a significant difference in the concentration of students. Before doing ice breaking with the students' concentration criteria, namely 51.85% was not good, 29.63% was quite good and 18.59% was very good, whereas after doing the ice breaking with the students' concentration criteria, namely 66.66% was very good, 25 .9% is quite good and 7.41% is not good enough. Observations were reinforced by interviews with fourth grade teachers at Sendangmulyo 02 Elementary School who stated that there were students who paid little attention to explanations, found it difficult to express their opinions, did not contribute much in doing group assignments and during the learning process had to be interspersed with games or ice breaking to maintain concentration.
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