This research is a Classroom Action Research which using the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) with a short story context that aims to find out the mathematics learning outcomes of VII.9 in SMPN 4 Palembang. The subject matter in this research is The Sets measured through tests. The subjects in this reseach wer students of VII.9 amounting to 29 people. This research was conducted in the odd of 2018/2019. The test is conducted to measure the level of completeness of learning outcomes that have been achieved by students in mathematics learning using the MMP. From the result of the research obtained the percentage of learning outcomes in cycle I that is equal to 62.07%, while the percentage of learning outcomes in the cycle II amounted to 82.76%. An increase in learning outcomes by 20.69%. This indicates that The Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) with the context of short stories can improve student learning outcomes in VII.9 of SMPN 4 Palembang.
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