Current Issue
Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi which can be shortened to JISI focuses on various issues, but not limited in the field of: Software Development: Software development process, Requirements analysis, Software design, Software construction, Software deployment, Software maintenance, Programming team, Open-source model; Mathematics of Computing: Discrete mathematics, Mathematical software, Information theory; Theory of computation: Model of computation, Computational complexity; Human Computer Interaction: Interaction design, Social computing, Ubiquitous computing, Visualization, Accessibility, User Interface Study, User Experience Study; Applied Computing: E-commerce, Enterprise software, Electronic publishing, Cyberwarfare, Electronic voting, Video game, Word processing, Operations research, Educational technology, Document management.; Machine Learning: upervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning, Multi-task learning; Graphics: Animation, Rendering, Image manipulation, Graphics processing unit, Mixed reality, Virtual reality, Image compression, Solid modeling; Information System: Database management system, Information storage systems, Enterprise information system, Social information systems, Geographic information system, Decision support system, Process control system, Multimedia information system, Data mining, Digital library, Computing platform, Digital marketing, World Wide Web, Information retrieval