Author Guidelines
Juridisch Denken Law Journal is the normal channel for publication of papers in all field of law, which include civil law, criminal law, administration law, constitutional law as well as international law. Manuscripts of articles reporting research, contemporary comments as well as book reviews will be accepted for review as papers. The manuscript should cite at least two relevant papers published within this journal. Articles should be 5,000 - 10,000 words, Contemporary Comments or note 2,000 words - 3,000 words, and Book Reviews 500 - 1,000 words. Submissions should not be under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission.
Guiding Principles
An acceptable manuscript will meet the following general criteria : it reports a worthwhile contribution to legal studies, sound methodology was used and is explained with sufficient detail so that other researchers can conduct further studies, conclusions are supported by well-analysed legal arguments, manuscripts is concise, well written, and understandable.
Manuscript Format
Manuscript should given in soft copy and arranged in Juridisch Denken Law Journal standard format, Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestion, Acknowledgment and References. Typed at one side of white paper of A4 size, in single column, Single space, with 10 point Palatino Linotype font
The template for journal article, book review as well as contemporary comments/ notes can be downloaded via this website on template icon.
Manuscript Title And Abstract
Instructions for writing the title: The title should be engaging, reflective of the content, and kept concise, with a maximum of 15 words; capital letters are only used at the beginning of words, except for conjunctions; written in left alignment using Palatino Linotype font size 13.
The abstract is written in English, with a range of 150-200 words, with single spacing. The abstract should not be an "introduction" or a conclusion of the discussion. Instead, it should include, but not be limited to: (1) the main question and background of the problem discussed; (2) the research position; (3) how the question is addressed in the paper; and (4) the key findings of the discussion. Other important aspects discussed in the paper that significantly contribute to the research's final results can be noted here but should consider the limited space of the abstract.
Top of Form
Instructions for writing the introduction: Provide an overview that introduces the discussion and writing, the scope of the article, the novelty of the topic, and the discussion's systematics. The methodological description may also be included before presenting the discussion's systematics if there is uniqueness or specificity related to data acquisition or perspectives used in addressing the issues; if there is no uniqueness or specificity, it is recommended not to provide a methodological description. The first paragraph of the introduction should outline the main issues or the scope of the article. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches. There is no word limit for the introduction, but it is advisable to be proportional to the discussion section. The entire manuscript's content, excluding the title, author's information, abstract, and bibliography, should be within the range of 5,000 to 10,000 words.
Discussion 1 (First Aspect of the Discussion)
Instructions for writing the discussion: Include data and its analysis. The title of this section should not be written as "discussion" but should be adapted to the manuscript's content. It can be divided into various sub-topics according to the needs and scope of the manuscript's discussion. Similar to the introduction, the first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches.
Discussion 2 (Second Aspect of the Discussion, etc.)
The title of this section should not be written as "discussion" but should be adapted to the manuscript's content. It can be divided into various sub-topics according to the needs and scope of the manuscript's discussion. Similar to the introduction, the first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches.
Instructions for writing the conclusion: Provide a summary of the discussion that addresses the issues introduced in the writing, presented in one to three paragraphs. The conclusion is presented in narrative form and not in specific points; if there are several conclusion points, they should be written as a narrative. The conclusion does not necessarily have to be in section C or D but can be placed after it, depending on the sub-topics in the previous sections.
Writing Source Citations
Juridisch Denken Law Journal uses footnotes to indicate source citations. The writing style for source citations follows the Chicago style [The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition, 2017]. Footnotes can also be used to explain definitions and the content of regulations or legal decisions, clarify explanations in paragraphs, and compare norms, views, or opinions. Footnotes are written in paragraph format using Palatino Linotype font size 9.)