Juridisch Denken Law Journal is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer legal studies, government policies, law and society, laws and regulations, and legal issues that have developed in various countries. The scope is all fields on law studies; Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil Procedural Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, International Law, State Administrative Law, Customary Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Environmental Law, International law, Legal theory and Legal Philosophy.
Juridisch Denken Law Journal is twice published (July, & january) by Faculty of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. As the peer-review of Indonesian Journal, we accept scientific works which are writen both in English and Indonesia The editorial board invites academics, practitioners, and researchers in the field law and sharia to contribute and develop their thoughts and research findings to be published in Juridisch Denken Law Journal. Therefore, all articles published by Juridisch Denken Law Journal will have unique DOI number.