Jurnal Renvoi : Jurnal Hukum dan Syariah is the normal channel for publication of papers in all field of law, which include civil law, criminal law, administration law, constitutional law as well as international law. Manuscripts of articles reporting research, contemporary comments as well as book reviews will be accepted for review as papers. The manuscript should cite at least two relevant papers published within this journal. The article should have a number of pages ranging from 10 to 20 pages. Submissions should not be under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission.


An acceptable manuscript will meet the following general criteria : it reports a worthwhile contribution to legal studies, sound methodology was used and is explained with sufficient detail so that other researchers can conduct further studies, conclusions are supported by well-analysed legal arguments, manuscripts is concise, well written, and understandable.


Manuscript should given in soft copy and arranged in Brawijaya Law Journal standard format, Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestion, Acknowledgment and References. Typed at one side of white paper of A4 size, in single column, double space, 12 point times news roman font and should given line numbers.

The template for journal article, book review as well as contemporary comments/ notes can be downloaded via this website on template icon.


Title, consist of not more than 20 words. It should be written clearly and concisely describing the contents of the research as well as the idea of the nature of the work. Under the title of the article only the names of the authors should appear. Any further information, such as qualifications, present appointments, postal and email addresses should be given as a footnote on the first page.  All article submissions should also include an Abstract of no more than 150 words. An Abstract is not required for Comments and Book Reviews.



Presented briefly and clearly information concerning background, aim and purpose of the research.


It should mention time and place of the research (if applicable) and the focus of the research in first part. All legal materials, supporting documents and methods must be stated clearly and briefly.


Result and discussion be written in same part. They should be presented continuously start from main result until supporting results and equipped with a discussion.

Conclusion should be explained clearly. Suggestion placed after conclusion contains a recommendation on the research.

State the grant source and the person to whom the grant was given. Name the person to help you work.


References should follow the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC). All references to books, articles and other sources are to be identified at an appropriate point in the text by a footnote, which will correspond to the relevant footnote at the bottom of the page. The information to be included within the footnote is as detailed in the AGLC guidelines. The Guide may be viewed and downloaded here. It is the author's responsibility to ensure the style of the submission accords with the current version of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, and manuscripts will be returned to authors for editing if they do not meet the style guidelines.



Uncommon abbreviations should be explained, with the name in full in the first instance, followed by the abbreviation in brackets. The abbreviation may then be adopted. Full stops should not be used in abbreviations or contractions. When citing a reference for the purposes of comparison, the journal uses ‘see also’.



As a general rule, direct quotations of three lines or less are embedded within the text in quotation marks. The reference to the author, date and page number appears in the footnote, which appears after the full stop or any other punctuation. A quotation of more than three lines appears as an indented paragraph, and is reduced to font size 10. Similarly, the reference to the author, date and page number appears in the relevant footnote at the bottom of the page.