Penerapan Pembelajaran STEAM Dalam Mengembangkan Kreativitas Anak Usia Dini
Pembelajaran STEAM, Kreativitas Anak Usia Dini
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) learning is considered as learning that can improve children's creative thinking. STEAM can be defined as a learning program design aimed at developing the ability to think critically, analytically, creatively and as a whole in studying a learning topic by children. This study aims to develop children's creativity by applying STEAM learning. This study uses Quantitative Research Experiment Design One Group Pre-test Post-test in which the pre-test is carried out at the beginning then continued with treatment 3 times and then ends with the final step, namely the post-test which has its own activities. The application of STEAM Learning is proven to be able to develop children's creativity with the results of SPSS significant value (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05 with statistically tested data the result is t count> t picture, then Ho "rejected" and Ha "accepted". The hypothesis in this study means that there is a significant difference between the creativity of children aged 5-6 years before / after STEAM learning is applied to class B children totaling 21 children at UMP Model Lab Kindergarten, South Pontianak.
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