Author Guidline Jurnal Kajian Anak

Submission Preparation Checklist  EditEdit Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidline

General Writing requirements

  1. Articles written for the jurnal kajian anak (j-sanak) include the research results in the field of earlychilhood Education. The manuscript is typed with Times New Roman letters, abstract font size 10, fill in font size 12, the article is written in space 1.15, printed on A4 paper for a maximum of 15 pages, last custom margin settings (top 3 cm; left 4 cm; bottom 3 cm; right 3 cm). File sending is done by logging into submissions (Procedure for Submitting Articles Online: Download 
  2. The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree, placed under the article title. All author's names are provided with the e-mail address or e-mail address of the author responsible for the article.
  3. Articles written in Indonesian or English, specifically for abstracts written in Indonesian and English with essay format. The title of the article is printed in capital letters, upright, thick in the middle, with letters of 12, no more than 15 words.
  4. Systematics of the results of the research are: article title, author's name, agency name, e-mail address, abstract (ranging from 150 to 250 words containing the purpose, method, and research results), keywords, introduction (contains background, a little literature review, and objectives), research methods, research results and discussions, conclusions and suggestions, bibliography (only contains references referenced).
  5. Reference sources should, as far as possible, be in the past 10 years. Preferred references are primary sources in the form of research articles in scientific journals or magazines.
  6. Citations and bibliography use the American Psychological Association (APA) style. It is recommended to use reference applications such as Mendely, Zotero, etc.
  7. All texts are reviewed by expert editors according to their field of expertise. The author of the article is given the opportunity to make improvements (revisions) of the text on the basis of recommendations or suggestions from the editor. The certainty of loading or rejecting the manuscript will be provided online through OJS.
  8. Everything that concerns licensing of citing or using computer software for making manuscripts by the author of the article, along with the legal consequences that may arise because of it, is the responsibility of the author of the article.
  9. After you submit, please confirm via WhatsApp message to number 082377649862

Download Author Guidelines HERE
Download Online Submission Guideline HERE
Download Template  (2024)  HERE

Petunjuk Submit Jurnal Kajian Anak (J-Sanak) Menggunakan OJS 3

Berikut ini kami jelaskan cara penulis mengirimkan naskah ke sebuah jurnal yang menggunakan basis aplikasi Open Journal Systems (OJS) versi 3. Secara ringkas langkahnya adalah mengunggah naskah, kemudian mengunggah file tambahan, dan melengkapi metadata baik metadata naskah serta identitas penulis. Untuk detailnya inilah langkah-langkahnya detailnya.

1. Lakukan login sebagai penulis pada aplikasi OJS Dengan cara membuka alamat web kemudian klik menu “Register” untuk membuat akun baru. Jika sudah memiliki akun sebelumnya, maka bisa langsung masuk ke menu “Login”.

2. Setelah log-in anda akan di hadapkan pada tampilan di bawah ini, kemudian
3. Klik tombol New Submission untuk mengirimkan naskah ke

4. Beri tanda ceklis pada semua kolom pada bagian Submission Requirements, dan selanjutnya Bila perlu, sertakan pula pesan yang akan disampaikan ke editor jurnal pada kotak Comments for the Kemudian tinggal ceklis opsi dibawah yang bertuliskan “Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement”, dan anda bisa mengklik save and continue untuk melanjutkan pada step ke 2 .

5. Masuk ke tahap berikutnya mengunggah file Pada kotak Upload Submission File, pilih opsi Article Text

6. Kemudian carilah file naskah yang akan diunggah dengan mengklik tombol upload file dari dokumen di laptop/komputer anda. Setelah diunggah akan tampil kotak seperti ini, lalu Klik tombol Continue

7. Akan tampil pemberitahuan bahwa file naskah telah ditambah, File Bila Anda merasa hanya file ini yang perlu dikirimkan ke pengelola jurnal maka Anda bisa klik tombol Complete. Tetapi bila Anda perlu menambahkan file yang lain yang harus dikirimkan ke pengelola klik tombol Add Another File.

8. Anda akan dihadapkan pada tampilan daftar file yang akan Klik tombol Save and Continue.

9. Tahap berikutnya adalah mengisikan metadata naskah. Pada bagian Title, ketik judul tulisan Anda. Bagian Prefix diisi dengan A atau The, ini bila judul tulisan Anda dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada bagian Subtitle isikan dengan anak judul tulisan Anda. Pada bagian Abstract, isikan dengan abstrak tulisan

10. Scroll halaman agak ke Isikan cakupan informasi dan kata kunci pada Coverage Information dan Keywords

11. Sebelum Anda mengklik tombol Save and Continue, perhatikan pada bagian List of Semua penulis yang ada di artikel harus dimasukkan ke dalam daftar. Bila Ada yang belum masuk klik tombol Add Contributor.
12. Pada halaman yang tampil, isikan data penulis yang lain secara lengkap.
13. Setelah semua langkah sudah terupload dan metaddata sudah lengkap serta sudah mengklik tombol save and continue, kemudian Anda akan masuk ke halaman Klik tombol Finish Submission untuk mengakhiri proses submit naskah ini.

14. Akan ada kotak konfirmasi, klik saja tombol OK.

15. Submission Complete, dengan demikian sudah selesai submit naskah ke jurnal yang menggunakan OJS Bila Anda ingin mengimkan naskah yang baru, klik link Create a new submission. Selain itu, Anda bisa melihat naskah yang dikirim tadi dengan mengklik tautan Review this submission.

Demikian cara melakukan submit naskah ke suatu jurnal yang menggunakan OJS versi 3. Semoga bermanfaat.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Copyright Notice 

The author submits the manuscript to do so with the understanding that if accepted by the jurnal kajian anak (J-Sanak) for publication, the publication of the copyright of the article will be assigned/transferred to the Jurnal Kajian Anak (J-Sanak) Publisher.

However, the Authors still reserve the following:
a). All proprietary rights other than copyright such as patent rights,
b). The right to use all or part of this article in future works of our own such as in books and lectures.

Jurnal Kajian Anak (J-Sanak), the International Editorial and Editorial Board made every effort to ensure that no false, misleading data, opinions or statements were published in the journal . In any way, the contents of articles and advertisements published in Jurnal Kajian Anak (J-Sanak) are the sole and exclusive responsibility of each writer and advertiser.

The copyright form must be electronically signed and sent to the Editorial Office in the form of an original e-mail:
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