About the Journal
Sociometry is a Social Science, Art, and Humanity Open Access Journal, an interdisciplinary reference source for academics and practitioners. Published scholarly work promotes creativity and change in all fields. The focus is on papers following topics: education, psychology, guidance and counseling, creativity studies, spirituality studies, anthropology, philosophy, management, sociology, culture, philosophy, history, linguistics, economics, arts, laws, politic, social science, information technology, cognitive science, computer science, artificial intelligence, media and communication, systems engineering, and related fields.
Aims and Scope
The aims and scope are on papers following topics: education, psychology, guidance and counseling, creativity studies, spirituality studies, anthropology, philosophy, management, sociology, culture, philosophy, history, linguistics, economics, arts, laws, politic, social science, information technology, cognitive science, computer science, artificial intelligence, media and communication, systems engineering, and related fields.
Publication Frequency
Sociometry is published 3 times per year (March, July, November).
Authorship and Plagiarism
Articles should be authored by people who have contributed enough to warrant public accountability for their contents. These contributions include the following: (a) conception and design, data analysis and interpretation, or both; (b) writing the article or critically revising it for important intellectual content; (c) final approval of the published version; and (d) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work by ensuring that all questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are approved. Submission to Sociometry is seen as agreement by all listed authors on the article's content. The corresponding (submitting) author is accountable for ensuring that this agreement is achieved and for handling all contact between the journal and co-authors before too and after publication. After submission, any requests for modifications to the author list, such as changing the order of the authors or deleting or adding authors, must be accompanied by a letter signed by all original writers. The submitting author should scan and email the letter to editor.sociometry@gmail.com The editors of Sociometry believe that when several groups collaborate, one member of each group, often the most senior member of each submitting group, has taken responsibility for their team's contributions to the article.
The relevant author is responsible for ensuring that:
- The article is entirely original and does not include any instances of fraud, falsification, or plagiarism.
- The article has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication anywhere. If Sociometry accepts the paper, it will not be submitted to any other journal for publication.
- The article makes no defamatory or illegal remarks and includes no contents that violate individual privacy, property rights, or any other statutory copyright.
- They have received formal permission from owners for any portions of copyrighted works contained and have properly acknowledged the sources.
- Each author contributed substantial contributions to the research, including the article's idea and design, data analysis, and manuscript writing.
- All authors have read and approved the article for publication. They accept responsibility for its content.
- All writers are aware of the conditions of this publication agreement and agree to abide by them.
Each item submitted to Sociometry undergoes a screening process using the iThenticate program.