Abstract : The purpose of this study is to identify the causes that contribute to
physics learning with the application of superior classes at SMA Negeri 2 Metro,
especially in the learning process. The implementation of superior classes is a
strategy in education whose purpose is to provide optimal, intensive, and in-depth
educational services to students who have high academic potential. Some of the
problems identified include low understanding of physics concepts, low student
interest in physics, and low student learning achievement in this subject. In an
effort to address these issues and improve the quality of physics learning, flagship
classes were introduced as a potential solution. The method used was to collect
data through classroom observations, teacher and student interviews. The
purpose of this study was to obtain maximum understanding related to the impact
of the implementation of the flagship class. The discussion in this study highlights
the importance of excellent classes as an effective strategy in organizing physics
learning. In the flagship class, students get a more interesting and interactive
learning experience, which helps them understand physics concepts better. In
addition, good support and motivation from physics teachers are also factors that
play a role in the effectiveness of superior classes. Based on the research results,
the conclusion is that the featured class has high effectiveness in organizing
physics learning at SMA Negeri 2 Metro. Therefore, it is recommended that schools
continue to improve and develop excellent classes as an effort to improve the
quality of physics learning. Increasing the application of supporting technology in
physics learning can also be a suggestion to optimize the effectiveness of superior
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